Saturday 7 December 2019

The invitation to guest lecture at the tourism colleges is something BTGS enjoys very much and consider it as a duty to share the tourism working experience with the Tourism Students. After the closing of the semester in November in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh,  BTGS is now available at Kochi for consultation and tours. All our Historical & Cultural tourists and enthusiasts are welcome.

While BTGS is thankful for the enquiries that have come our way in the past few months, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to our tourists by not being available. BTGS extends a special note of gratitude to Mr. Adrian Whittle, from England and Mr. Amir Broshi from Israel, for taking our freshly designed 'Weaving Trail' (Chennai-Tirupati-Venkatgiri-Srikalahasti-Nellore) which was still in experimental stage while they chose to visit . Thank you Sirs for your patience and unbound cooperation.  

Meydad Eliyahu & Tom Landau, we missed taking you around while you were here in Kochi.